Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today Is A GREAT Day!

Today is a great day and I have the opportunity to save lives!

If your nervous system isn't functioning properly, it can't sense all actions correctly and thus, will not allow proper healing. Too many people don't understand this basic principle of life. They would rather take a pharmaceutical, which you can't blame them, since they have been brain washed to belief they will fix anything. Those television and internet ads have been pounded into our minds all our lives! This is what has created the health dilemma in America. Now 70-80% of diseases today are due to lifestyle decisions from earlier in life. One example of unhealthy living is the introduction of con syrup into almost everything you eat today. Read the label and only begin eating those items that don't have corn syrup or artificial sugars. Your body will thank you. After all, you can't fool God. So, what makes you think you can fool your body?

These lifestyle changes can't occur over night and must be performed little by little or one will get burned out by too much change too fast. Pace yourself. Don't push too hard. After all, eustress, good healthy stress, is better than distress, unhealthy stress. Begin to evaluate your physical, mental/emotional, and bio-chemical stressors that gradually break down the body's ability to self-regulate and self-heal.

You too can save lifes, particulary your own, by taking these baby step to true wellness!

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