Monday, January 10, 2011

Are You Damned?

Are you damned by your genetic dispositions? New science says "No!"

Just as Albert Einstein with his E=MC2 and quantum physics change our perception of this universe and science itself, a new science of genetics, "Epigentics", has changed our perceptions of your future.

Does the environment determine your destiny?
Do your thoughts determine your destiny?

Quantum physics refers to the environment as an extension of our mind. Epigentics or gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence can in essence change your health future. Instead, non-genetic factors cause the person's genes to behave "express themselves" differently. Lifestyles and behavioral attitudes are these non-genetic factors that change your imminent "damned" future or change your DNA's expression and essentially "turn on" good genes and "turn off" less desirable or damaging genes.

"A variety of compounds are considered as epigenetic carcinogens—they result in an increased incidence of tumors, but they do not show mutagen activity (toxic compounds or pathogens that cause tumors incident to increased regeneration should also be excluded). Examples include diethylstilbestrol, arsenite, hexachlorobenzene, and nickel compounds." - Wikipedia

So, as we continue to explore our universe, our bodies, and the mere essence of human physiology, we begin to unpeel layers of old thinking and develop new understandings that we are what we eat and think and not the mere elements of determined DNA futures. After all, God did give us an ability to "choose" our future. Isn't it ironic that our science is just now discovering that truth.


  1. It's very simple to assume that one's DNA has already charted out all of one's future abilities, traits, characteristics, and diseases. We like simplicity. But life is very rarely so simple, isn't it? Good job, Dr. Norbert!

  2. Thanks! Yes, life's not so simple at times. We need not think that our life is plotted out for us and we have no decision making capabilities. Life is about choices!
