Monday, May 9, 2011

Are You Normal or Weird?

Too many people have become Normal! Normal job, normal stresses, normal every day drugs for their allergies or pains, normal thinking, normal drive to work, normal church, normal day at work, normal visits to their Primary Care Physicians, and just plain normal like vanilla ice cream lives.
Not too many Weird people can be found, but they are on the rise. Weird people who take herbals, homeopathics, neutraceuticals ( no drugs), get regularly adjusted by their chiropractor several times each month, drink half their body weight in ounces of water each day, challenge traditional thinking whether it be at church, work or their family doc, and just don’t follow the crowd like sheep, but instead, think like inquisitive cats – which you can’t herd!
Normal isn’t working anymore! We are sicker than almost every other nation in the world. We have become herded sheep in our thinking, believing so much nonsense that is the furthest from the truth!
It’s time to become Weird! Weird is a lifestyle that says I’m not sheep, I think and question for the betterment of myself and my family, and that I choose to step up and Discover Wellness, not merely live in the absence of pain. How many people do you know are Normal or Weird? Funny how it’s cool to be known as a nerd today in school, this definitely was not the case when I was in high school.
The interesting thing is that it’s simple little steps to change our perspective, but too many feel it to be too painful or bothersome to step out and look around the box and see. Discovering Wellness and staying healthy does save money and can make you rich!

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