Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Are You Drinking the Koolaid?

So many people never question so called authorities of society. Many can be found in the health industry, such as the pharmaceutical and medical associations. Lobbying efforts and funding research on their behave have resulted in extremely biased data - some of which has since been found to be very damaging and even deadly.

My Father didn't drink the koolaid. In fact, he chose to be the pioneer of a newly developing profession in the late 1950's - Chiropractic. Imagine a time where no one ever questioned their medical doctor, after all they were the next thing to God back then.... Now, a different story. And yet, my Father, who's grandfather was a Medical Surgeon, chose to walk a different new and exciting path. Little did he know that his life would be so interesting and adventurous!

Today, more and more of us are questioning self-imposed authorities of society in general, especially the healthcare system. Remember, only you can make a change in thinking, habits and lifestyles that impact your health and even epigenics, a new science of genes, has found we determine our own future - not a predisposed thought or gene. Step out of your skin and revisit your current thinking and behaviors to explore new health - Wellness!

Don't wait until you're so unhealthy from living what you were told is a healthy lifestyle of "______" and wake up one day regretting the choices determined for you by others. Own your life, take back your life and remember:

"Live For Today". My father went into the hospital January '09, Passed April '09, but in his last days he shared he wanted to sale his practice, work part-time in mine, spend more time with his grand kids, take my Mom to Sweden, maybe go to the Chiropractic Colleges and speak since they have been on him for years, share his passion with the ...future of chiropractic. So before your Tomorrow is Gone, "Live for Today & Live with Passion"

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