When growing up in the chiropractic community, I didn't know what was a headache. I only knew my head didn't feel right and I would promptly say to my Dad, "Daddy my head hurts. Can I get an adjustment?" No, I didn't take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc. Thus, I would respond very quickly and was on the right health and wellness path of existence in America, even before people had any idea of the long term damaging effects of these simple over the counter drugs.
How about the Flu? No, I didn't take anything either. I would get my adjustments, take mutiple kinds of whole food supplements, and promorphogen supplements. I would be over the latest "bug" in 48 hrs, never missing school for all my 12 years in Sapulpa. In fact, most people never knew that I was even under the weather. Yet, I would watch time and time again my peers take days and sometimes weeks to get over a variety of ailments all the way up to the Flu.
Now 45 years later, I look to my peers and see how unhealthy they have become. Look at their skin, their eyes, or even how their physique looks and you can easily see the long term effects of these drugs first handed! Did I make this decision myself? Of course not. I was directed by my Dad and Mother to utilize natural approaches to health and it has greatly paid off many dividends fold!
Today, along with my wife, am passing this chiropractic approach to health and wellness to our own kids and seeing the same results - tremendous recovery times of healing when exposed to the latest "bug". It takes a very concerted effort for the average person, who has been inundated with television and radio ads for years, to even see beyond this brain washing effect on society. "Say no to drugs, but here's your latest drug for _____." -what an oximoronic approach to life.
People please educate yourself and look to new ideas outside, around and beyond the boxes we have been limited to for years!
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